About This Ad

We are at war. Not just abroad but here at home. With the clear and present threat of radical Islamic terrorism on the March, we must secure our borders. But Washington continues to fail us with groups like the Gang of Eight that support amnesty and allow sanctuary cities. We need a president who knows that border security is national security. America needs Ted Cruz, the one proven conservative for President. Stand for Truth, Inc. is responsible for the content is advertising.
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First Aired On
01/13/2016 UTC
Last Aired On
02/04/2016 UTC
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About the Dataset

The Political TV Ad Archive, powered by the Internet Archive, is pulling together resources from a variety of sources to create an archive of political TV ads in key primary states. Each ad has its own canonical web page (sample here), and associated downloadable metadata. Some metadata are added by the Internet Archive; some generated via the media itself (such as count of ads, how many times an ad has aired, etc.); and some come from our partners.